More Cool Privacy Tech

Though with the encrypted feed it's possible to detect loitering, fighting, and many other behaviors of concern, identity information is totally protected...that is, until an authorized user chooses to decrypt the feed. BUT then that action is controlled and logged, and an alert can even be generated, to ensure that the surveillance system is not being abused or misused.
Labels: Privacy

Test Video Sequence: courtesy of
I would like a solid color like red instead of scrambled pixels. Because if it is a tiny object on background with similar color, I can easily overlook it...
I bet that's really useful for when one guy steals some shit, and you have to go find him.
"Now where did that medium-sized prismacolor guy go?"
If you use a solid color then that would mean there would be a redundant copy maintained where the original video is stored. and wastage of storage space
Because federal agencies are SCRAMBLING to protect privacy! /sarcasm
Good for the private sector, although I don't fear the private sector like I fear my government.
And, they are going to use that as a cover to put cameras in areas where they never did before (i.e. changing rooms and restrooms). Just as they use technology that sees through clothing in airports and then say it is only viewed by "authorized personnel."
A bad idea. Cameras are not just used to indicate loiterers. Sometimes you need to see what the person is carrying, their demeanor based on their facial expression, and what their description is in order to pass it to other security personnel. Having to decrypt this data before the information is available is an unnecessary abstraction from the goal of security.
Secure : To lock down and immobilize
Security is the opposite of freedom. The problem is that death is also the opposite of freedom and if we have bad people killing other people then none of us really have any freedom at all. I suggest that all of us get used to the idea that privacy does not exist whenever others are effected. Being in public is a consent to let everyone see everything that you are doing.
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