Smart Surveillance Protects the Innocent

This story is a prime example of why it's important to have not just cameras and DVRs, but intelligent surveillance. This poor guy who was just depositing a check at his local bank was mistakenly linked to a stolen I.D. crime that he has nothing to do with. Another woman, who also had the misfortune of visiting the bank in the same time frame that the thief was there, was actually arrested as a result, and later discharged. The mistake was the result of human error - with a smart system, police would have received instead several images and video of the actual suspect, who, by the way, stole the wallet of a dying man in the hospital and used his ATM card to steal $1700 in cash.
It's far from the first time surveillance has been involved in a mistaken identity case, but it would be nice if it were the last.

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