DHS Privacy Workshop Delivers Best Practices
As the Executive Summary states, the report serves as a best practices guide to avoid crossing privacy boundaries when deploying of CCTV systems as systems become more pervasive in both the private and public spheres. However, rather than advocate installation, the report serves as an objective guide to the various concerns to consider when first pondering the massive investment involved. Attending academics, researchers and government officials deliberated the importance of ensuring safeguards and civil liberties prior to deployment:
"These resources may be useful in helping government agencies build privacy and civil liberties protections into the design and implementation of a CCTV program. Failure to address privacy and civil liberties can undermine public support for the use of CCTV and erode confidence in the government's ability to protect privacy and civil liberties while protecting the Homeland."
With the Obama administration taking office earlier this week, we won't know the specifics on his agenda to "Protect Critical Infrastructure", but the new President's stated objectives do include improving airline security, monitoring US ports, safeguarding public transportation and improving border security.
With a more sophisticated surveillance blanket covering the US, a best practices guide is certainly necessary to preserve individual privacy and civil liberties. In following through on his agenda action items, Obama's cabinet might want a copy of this 66-page manual delivered to the White House sooner rather than later.

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